A little short story

Introduction Once upon a time it all started with a lightening moment in room 129 in Berlin – a group of three women and three guys came together in order to write about diversity management. In the beginning there was a strong focus on female issue with posts about female Leadership, women quota for supervisory … Continue reading

A Thousand Ways To Say Hello…One Way To Say Goodbye

We’ve come a long way. At least that’s the way it seems. In reality we may not have come very far at all. Perception is such a funny thing. Where are you standing when you see it all happen? I’d like to take these last moments to recognize the great work my partners in crime … Continue reading

PayPal, Youtube, Facebook & Meebo All Together

In the previous post I mentioned that I had run across a great Youtube Channel run by the Stanford Business School. There are a ton of videos on their site and with many of them breaking the one-hour threshold i was unable to watch all of them much less all of ONE. There is however … Continue reading


It is no longer a big secret that the most recent generations, mine included, have taken part in the development of the quite possibly the single greatest invention in the last 100 years: the Internet. Now, by development of the internet I simply mean that todays generations that are most involved with the internet play … Continue reading

Wall Streets Newest Lie

I have a cousin, well I call him my cousin because our parents have known each other for so long and we have grown up together in an odd sort of way, and he is really really smart. Not smart in a street sense either, although I wouldn’t say he’s lacking in that department. I’m … Continue reading

Germany and its ‘Lack of Young Professionals’ – Status quo

Katrin picked up the topic of demographic change. In her article she argues that older employees can be of high value for companies. She also highlights the issue of a lack of young professionals. I want to focus on the discussion about shortage of young professionals in Germany. The goal is to bring some insight … Continue reading

New Leaders Old Tricks

As a part of the Imagining the Future of Leadership symposium at the Harvard Business School, some experts were asked and their thoughts gathered on what they thought “was necessary today to develop the leaders we need for tomorrow” The Ten Experts in this video are listed in order of appearance, and below each of … Continue reading

How To Pick The “New-Guy”

This article sheds light on an issue that is extremely critical to both the short-term and the long-term successes and failures of a company, as well as its strategy: Namely, the appointment of a successor to the CEO.  As the article states, “With so much hanging on successful leadership, you might expect boards to be … Continue reading

Female Immigrants taking Mr. Sarrazin’s Spot!

I am very grateful to Saiid that he brought up the discussion about our ‘immigration problem’ in Germany, see his post. Being fully aware that this is somewhat out of our topic I find it nonetheless worth considering in more detail. It fits in our blog because it also raises the question about equal opportunities … Continue reading

Sarrazin=Double Negative?

With his book “Germany Does Away With Itself” , Thilo Sarrazin ruffled more than a few feathers this year. He argues that, Germany would be better off with stricter immigration policies (except for the highly trained) and reduced state welfare benefits. He states, that Turkish and Arab are less willing or in some extreme cases … Continue reading